Archery and Spoon Carving

Over the past 2 weeks, the unit has been split over 2 activities. Half have been doing Archery at Stanford Scout Campsite – big thanks to Craig, Adam, Allen who instructed for us. The other half have been wooden spoon carving with varying results!

Master Chef

Well done to all of the teams this evening who managed to cook an edible Chicken Supreme in our master chef competition. Although the dishes were all edible (just), well done to those who came first and second who created very tasty and well presented dishes!

Silver D of E Qualifier 2024

Congratulations to 7 of our Explorers who successfully completed their Silver D of E expedition in the New Forest this weekend. Walking around 60km over the 3 days, the teams also demonstrated teamwork, navigation skills and excellent camp craft. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t kind to us and we had heavy rain on day 1 and 2 but that didn’t dampen the teams spirits and they pushed through to the end! A few photos are below:

Shackleton Programme – September – December 2024

We are pleased to share our programme for next term with you all as below. See you in a few weeks! Date Activity Location Other Details 02/09/2024 D of E Drop In (All D of E Participants) 4th Worth Casual 09/09/2024 Master Chef Under the Stars 4th Worth Uniform 16/09/2024 Archery and Wooden Spoon Carving Stanford / 4th Further details to follow 23/09/2024 Archery and Wooden Spoon Carving Stanford / 4th Further details to follow 30/09/2024 Geocaching Evening TBC Outdoor Clothing 07/10/2024 Explorer Led – Debate Evening 4th Worth Uniform 14/10/2024 Hunted TBC Further details to follow 21/10/2024 Pumpkin Carving …

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Volleyball and Expedition Cooking

Over the last 2 weeks, the explorers have had a volleyball evening where the teams battled it out to be crowned the overall winners and refine their skills ahead of the summer expedition! They also practised expedition cooking on the multi fuel stoves to diversify their go to d of e meal from pasta and tomato mix!

County Awards

Well done to one of our Explorers who has recently been presented his Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Young Leader Belt Buckle. A Bronze DofE programme has four sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. You must do a minimum of three months activity for each of the Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections, and plan, train for and do a two-day, one-night Expedition. The Young leader Belt and Buckle set is awarded if you have completed all modules and missions from the Explorer Scout Young Leaders’ Scheme. Both of these are big achievements so well done!

Chariot Pioneering

On Monday, the Explorers partook in Pioneering challenge to build an a frame and walk it a set distance, usually in a race. The frame is manned by a jockey who helps the legs swing when pivoted to move the frame. A few photos are available below.

D of E Bronze Expedition

Well done to our 7 Explorers who passed their D of E Bronze Qualifying Expedition in Ashdown Forest this weekend. The Bronze Expedition is a two day expedition, with one night spent camping. There should be six hours minimum of activity planned each day, with at least three of these hours journeying.  D of E expeditions teach: Some photos are available below.

Slip N Slide

Tonight the unit members constructed and then used a slip n slide. Whilst it could have been warmer, the weather was fairly kind with sunshine and no rain! Some of the Explorers managed to slide the full 25 metres which is impressive, others had less solid techniques getting less than 5 metres! Some photos are available below:

Kwik Cricket

On Monday the Explorers took part in a game of Kwik Cricket. Well done to the winning team who scored significantly more than the other! We did learn Explorers need to practise throwing a ball in a straight line as there were a large number of wide throws!!!

Sweden Race Night Fundraiser

Thankyou to everyone who came and supported our race night last night. In total we made £538.73 towards our expedition fund to Sweden in the summer. A special thanks goes to all of those who helped organise and run the night including the delicious cake stall and those who donated raffle prizes! With only 7 weeks left until we depart, this is one of our last events towards the expedition and we have managed to hit our target of fundraising / grant applications of over £10,000!

Games Evening / Code of Conduct Review

This week we had a much more relaxed evening at the HQ. We played several games including relays games, Stinger, stuck in the mud and naughts and crosses. We also reviewed the scout Values and updates our code of conduct for the unit going forward. A few photos are below:

Young people first: Safeguarding and Safety in Scouting

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we put young people’s safety and wellbeing first. Here's how.